Board of Management

We are lucky to have a very vibrant and active Board of Management in our school.
Maura Churchill (Chairperson)
Mary Flynn
Séona Regan
Fr. Martin Hogan
Lorraine Victory
Martina Rutkowski
Responsibilities of the Board of Management
The duties of the Board of Management are clearly defined in law and the parents’ role in this is fully acknowledged. The responsibilities of the board should include:
- Ensuring the quality of pupil learning
- Recruitment of staff
- Ensuring the high quality of teaching
- Developing and reviewing the school plan
- Developing school policies
The Board of Management provides leadership and ensures effective management of the school, within an agreed school budget and a framework of accountability. In this the board is supported by the principal, the deputy-principal (for larger schools) and holders of other posts of responsibility, each with well-defined duties.
Since parents are the primary educators of their children their representatives have a critical role to play in the management of schools and in supporting the education of their children at school. This is why it is so important that parents hold positions on the Board of Management in our schools.
The Board of Management communicate their work with the school community each term with a report.