H.S.C.L. Marie Quinn
Marie Quinn is our shared Home School Community Liaison (HSCL), appointed in January 2024.
The aim of the HSCL scheme is to promote partnership and cooperation between home, school and the community, ‘to enhance pupils’ learning opportunities and to promote their retention in the education system’.
Marie’s main role is to work with and support parents and families of our pupils and to organise ways in which parents can become involved in their child’s schooling. She may also visit you in your home and organises classes and courses, along with the other HSCL co-ordinators in local schools.
Each year you will receive a flyer explaining what courses are available. The HSCL scheme recognises parents as the primary educators of their children and welcomes the involvement of parents in all aspects of school life. The HSCL coordinator is there to support and empower you, the parent, and assist you in your role as parents and educators.
You can contact Marie in the HSCL room in the school, on 01 8347609, or 0868887693 at any time during school hours.